Essentia: 2ml Syringe - DE

Essentia: 2ml Syringe - DE

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Essentia represents the pure essence of composite layering. With just seven syringes, you now have a perfect aesthetic solution for all your restorations. Dentin shades provide the right reflection and scattering of light for a perfect blend with easy handling and soft viscosity, for use with a brush or a spatula. The more translucent enamel shades are easy to polish and have excellent long-term gloss retention. The handling is made slightly denser, in order to obtain the final external hardness. A slightly more packable Universal shade is available for situations where layering is not needed, such as small or posterior cavities. The Masking Liner is injectable to reach even the deepest areas of the cavity and designed to block imperfections with a thin and opaque layer.